Friday, December 14, 2012

Ruby Sparks

Haven't exactly been watching a lot of movies lately. Am finally free now after cramming deadlines and studying for finals. Am relatively freer. Because I actually still have my ongoing graduation project to deal with during the holidays. Watched this movie when I was supposed to be churning out an essay simply because the trailer is just so alluring that I cannot bear to not watch this movie and get on with my life.

An unconventional love story. But isn't "unconventional" the buzzword nowadays? Well, some aspects of it do remind you of Stranger than Fiction. The story focuses on a writer, Calvin, who had a successful book written when he was a teenager which propelled him to be a famous writing prodigy. However, he struggles to write another book as he deals with the darker sides of life which includes the death of his father. As a task given by his therapist, he delves into writing again when he starts dreaming of a mysterious girl which possessed qualities that greatly appealed to him. She was almost like the ideal person that he has been looking for all along. As mentioned by the title of the movie, this girl is Ruby. Ruby is a free-spirited and lovely freelance artist who met Calvin while he walks his pooch (which apparently pees like a female dog). Okay, I should probably refrain from revealing the whole plot. Basically, the story revolves around how Calvin discover that all his writing on his really beautiful typewriter (but seriously, writing on a typewriter is not exactly the most practical thing to do today and probably without the typewriter there would be no Ruby Sparks at all) actually brought Ruby into his real life. However, he realized his writing actually affects how Ruby is in real life which led to complications in his relationship as he types away to create his ideal lover.

Anyone who loves a quirky romantic comedy should definitely check this movie out. Other than the fantasy and comedic aspects of it, it also demonstrates how often we try to make our partners live up to our own idealistic notions which can prove to be highly detrimental in a relationship. Hopefully the trailer below would entice you to watch this lovely movie. :)


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