I missed their concert the first time they came because I was young and it was hard to convince anyone to go with me. But I managed to go for their concert they second time they came and I managed to sit all the way at the front. :D I was so happy that I finally get to see them live in person that I was secretly shaking in my seat. All those years of watching their live videos on youtube, I finally get to see them in person and breathe the very same air and listen to the exceptionally beautiful music that they make. Kings of Convenience is one of those bands that can make you listen intently in your chair and listen to them blend their two voices harmoniously and watch the intricate work they do on their guitars. The chemistry between the two of them is astoundingly amazing. Every strum and every harmony just comes together perfectly. Despite being outstanding performers in the rather acoustic sense, they are also one of those few bands which can make acoustic music come alive just like any awesome rock concert! I think this largely has to do with the stage presence and charm that Erlend Oye has. All the dancing and the singalong really makes you all high and ecstatic. During those very moments, I become extremely fangirly and secretly hope that Erlend Oye would pick me as his dance partner and give me a great hug later.
Posted this video of them doing the soiree de poche series for la blogtheque. You need to watch them to know how good they are. This is even more obvious when they are performing in such a small and intimate venue and at the very end when they do Free Fallin', their rockstar quality would come shining through.
If I had to die listening to one band. It would be the Kings of Convenience. Simply because they are like what they sing in Homesick, "two soft voices, blended in perfection".
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